API – Application Programming Interface

Would you like to use our signals on your own bot or platform? No problem. Now, you can use our simple API to retrieve our latest signals and use them in your application the best way you can. Below, you will have all the required details necessary to call our API properly:



To use our API you need to provide an API KEY on every request. If you want to get information about our free signals, you can use the word “FREE” (without quotes) as your API KEY. Otherwise, you need to have an active premium subscription and use your subscription ID as your API KEY, so you can retrieve information about our premium signals.

The API KEY is provided as the value for the “api_key” parameter. Example:



Optionally, you can choose the type of signals you want to receive. If your don’t specify this parameter, all signals available on the processed interval will be delivered to you. Below, you have a list of the available values for the TYPE parameter:

Please note that SCALPING signals are pretty rare and LONG TERM signals are not part of our service at this moment. In the example below, we are choosing SHORT TERM signals on our request:


Note that the space inside the term must be URLENCODED in your request. It’s something normally automatically done by your JSON libraries, but it’s good to pay attention to this detail.


By default, only signals issued on the last 5 minutes will be included in your request. If you want, you can change this interval up to 20 minutes, using this parameter. We don’t recommend changing it, since signals issued more than 5 minutes ago are probably not good to use anymore. Anyway, in the example below, we are changing our request to get signals issued during the last 15 minutes:



You can filter your request and get only signals for one specific exchange, if you want. For this, you just need to specify the exchange name in this parameter. Example:



The use of our API is very limited to prevent abuses. There’s no reason someone would want to call this API with high frequency, so we are imposing the following limits by combination of IP address and API Key:

Any request above these limits will not be served.


All requests should be done against the following URL:


The parameters may be passed using the GET or POST method. In the example below, we are issuing a request for the latest free signals for the BINANCE exchange:


The results will always be returned in JSON format. Below you have the details about the fields returned:

Please note that target2 and target3 may come with a zeroed value, meaning there’s not second and/or third target.

We hope you manage to use our API with the information contained on this page. If you need any help, feel free to contact our support staff through the email address support@cryptoqualitysignals.com or the Telegram address @CryptoQualitySignals

Thanks for supporting our services.